The Rosch Family

Christmas List


2014 list

The List

Tom Marcy  David  |   Peter  |  Brent  |  Beth  |  Abby  | BillAndy  |  Chris  |  Dan  |  Bob  |  Christy  |  Liam  | Eamonn 





¨     "Idiot’s Guide to Surviving Teen Driving"



¨     I am still collecting weights, so gift cards to Sports Authority so I can acquire heavier kettle bells (20lbs and up) and dumbells (pair of 30 lbs).

¨     new lifting gloves, Small

¨     Any pampering like massages and facials

¨     Insurance                                                   back to top



¨     Emergency items for his car: jumper cables, first aid kit, emergency flashers, etc.

¨     AMC movie gift cards/passes, restaurant gift cards (TGI Fridays, Bertuccis, Unos)

¨     "Idiot’s Guide to Teen Driving"                                                   back to top



¨     McDonalds Arch cards

¨     Black (only black) large Hanes sweat pants with elastic bottom, pockets optional.

¨     Goldfish slingshot                                                   back to top



¨     Any food tour from Columbus Food Adventures EXCEPT the "All Dessert" tour

¨     The Refectory

¨     Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse

¨     G. Michael's Bistro and Bar

¨     Barcelona Restaurant and Bar

¨     Mitchell's Fish Market

¨     Cameron Mitchell restaurants

¨     Moretti's of Arlington

¨     Aab India Restaurant

¨     Mazah Mediterranean Eatery

¨     Black Creek Bistro

¨     North Star Cafe OR Third and Hollywood

¨     Z Cucina di Spirito

¨     Alana's Food and Wine

¨     Salmon cannon                                                   back to top



¨     Those nice oranges and grapefruits from Florida

¨     Coonhound straightjacket (size large)                                                   back to top



¨     Wears women's small or medium

¨     Velcro leg weights, 2.5 or 5 lbs.

¨     Books

¨     Harry Potter on CD (already has book 7). Used is OK, as long as they don't skip.

¨     Nerd-themed stuff, like Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch version), Vlog brothers, Hetalia (anime show), and Parks & Recreation

¨     Art supplies

¨     Room addition to house Breyer model horses                                                   back to top



¨     Before going on my Europe trip, I tried to read up on the Hapsburgs. I bought the book “Danubia,” which I read parts of and will try to read the whole thing soon. Anyway, reading that makes me wonder about the history of France (since the Hapsburgs seemed to control most of Europe at times, but not France for some reason.) So something on the history of France. Or England. And the author that wrote Danubia also wrote Germania. That might be interesting also.

¨     I have used a "not whisper quiet" to create a white noise sound when I want to block out noises from other apartments. But it doesn’t work anymore. So, something that I can use for that purpose, fan or not.

¨     A new good series of books to read. Almost done with Jack Reacher stories this year.

¨     Non-work clothes?  XL or 18 or 18.5 inch neck.

¨     AARP Membership                                                   back to top



¨     Amazon wish list

¨     Murphy’s Oil Soap Cologne for Men                                                   back to top



¨     Gift cards for

¨     hardware stores

¨     DSW

¨     Kenneth's Hair Salon

¨     Verizon rapid charger for Galaxy phone

¨     From Acme Press, “Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Coyotes,” by R. Runner                                                   back to top



¨     Contributions to his school trip to Costa Rica

¨     Book "Welcome to Night Vale"

¨     Steampunk French Horn                                                   back to top



¨     A good suit steamer like this one.

¨     Swisher Sweets                                                   back to top



¨     Steak knives

¨     Gold tone Alex and Ani bracelets(especially Buddhist themes)

¨     Cotton or acrylic sweaters, size large

¨     “No Touching in Middle School” upholstered therapy couch                                                   back to top



¨     Wears men's large

¨     Books

¨     Super soaker water guns, specifically the thunderstorm and the tornado strike

¨     Likes swimming, video games, heavy metal, books

¨     “Leggo My Lego” T-Shirt                                                   back to top



¨     Wears boys medium

¨     Likes Hoodies, cats, video games and books

¨     Books

¨     Terraria plush bunny stuffed animal

¨     Minecraft  baby plush ocelot

¨     Cuddlekins wolf like this

¨     “Gimme Your Lego” T-Shirt                                                    

Want to add/change something?  Email Beth

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