The Rosch FamilyChristmas List
The ListTom | Marcy | David | Peter | Brent | Beth | Abby | Bill | Andy | Chris | Dan | Bob | Christy | Liam | Eamonn |
Tom |
¨ ¨ "Idiot’s Guide to Surviving Teen Driving" |
Marcy |
¨ I am still collecting weights, so gift cards to Sports Authority so I can acquire heavier kettle bells (20lbs and up) and dumbells (pair of 30 lbs). ¨ new lifting gloves, Small ¨ Any pampering like massages and facials ¨ Insurance back to top |
David |
¨ Emergency items for his car: jumper cables, first aid kit, emergency flashers, etc. ¨ ¨ "Idiot’s Guide to Teen Driving" back to top |
Peter |
¨ McDonalds Arch cards ¨ Black (only black) large Hanes sweat pants with elastic bottom, pockets optional. ¨ Goldfish slingshot back to top |
Brent |
¨ Any food tour from Columbus Food Adventures EXCEPT the "All Dessert" tour ¨ Barcelona Restaurant and Bar ¨ Cameron Mitchell restaurants ¨ North Star Cafe OR Third and Hollywood ¨ Salmon cannon back to top |
Beth |
¨ Those nice oranges and grapefruits from Florida ¨ Coonhound straightjacket (size large) back to top |
Abby |
¨ Wears women's small or medium ¨ Velcro leg weights, 2.5 or 5 lbs. ¨ Books ¨ Harry Potter on CD (already has book 7). Used is OK, as long as they don't skip. ¨ Nerd-themed stuff, like Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch version), Vlog brothers, Hetalia (anime show), and Parks & Recreation ¨ Art supplies ¨ Room addition to house Breyer model horses back to top |
Bill |
¨ Before
going on my ¨ I have used a "not whisper quiet" to create a white noise sound when I want to block out noises from other apartments. But it doesn’t work anymore. So, something that I can use for that purpose, fan or not. ¨ A new good series of books to read. Almost done with Jack Reacher stories this year. ¨ Non-work clothes? XL or 18 or 18.5 inch neck. ¨ AARP Membership
back to top |
Andy |
¨ Murphy’s Oil Soap Cologne for Men back to top |
Chris |
¨ Gift cards for ¨ hardware stores ¨ DSW ¨ Verizon rapid charger for Galaxy phone ¨ From Acme Press, “Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Coyotes,” by R. Runner back to top |
Dan |
¨ Contributions
to his school trip to ¨ Book "Welcome to Night Vale" ¨ Steampunk French Horn back to top |
Bob |
¨ A good suit steamer like this one. ¨ Swisher Sweets back to top |
Christy |
¨ Steak knives ¨ Gold tone Alex and Ani bracelets(especially Buddhist themes) ¨ Cotton or acrylic sweaters, size large ¨ “No Touching in Middle School” upholstered therapy couch back to top |
Liam |
¨ Wears men's large ¨ Books ¨ Super soaker water guns, specifically the thunderstorm and the tornado strike ¨ Likes swimming, video games, heavy metal, books ¨ “Leggo My Lego” T-Shirt back to top |
Eamonn |
¨ Wears boys medium ¨ Likes Hoodies, cats, video games and books ¨ Books ¨ Terraria plush bunny stuffed animal ¨ Minecraft baby plush ocelot ¨ Cuddlekins wolf like this ¨ “Gimme Your Lego” T-Shirt |
Want to add/change something? Email Beth