2016 List
FYI: 2015 list |
Tom | Marcy | David | Peter | Brent | Beth | Abby | Bill | Andy | Chris | Dan | Bob | Christy | Liam | Eamonn |
Tom |
¨ Something like - Motorola Sonic Rider Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone - Amazon $32.41 (Tom and Marcy) ¨
Charger – something like Anker 21W 2-Port ¨ Backpack kit for Nikon, something like Amazon B0047PG3W8 - $24.95 (Tom) ¨ "Fodor's Guide to the Most Expensive Colleges of the East" back to top |
Marcy |
If anyone is still stressing for a gift for
me, just heard about a cookbook "Soup for ¨ If people are still stuck for me, anything from this site could be fun: Grow the Rainbow ¨
An Ancestry ¨ A facial ¨ Henckels (or better) knives (7 or 9" blades) for chopping and slicing veggies and meats ¨ A pretty birdbath for the front garden ¨ Peace in the US and a redo of the election ¨ College Parents' Weekend Tent and Sleeping Bag Set back to top |
David |
¨ Expansion pack for Exploding Kittens game. ¨ Fake ID (State to be announced later) back to top |
Peter |
¨ ¨ Nail Gun back to top |
Brent |
¨ I've got too much stuff already, so make a gift to the charity or political cause or campaign of your choice. ¨ "The Retired Lawyers' Guide to Tying and/or Zipping Flies" back to top |
Beth |
¨ Subscription to the on-line editions of the New York Times or the Columbus Dispatch. (I know I can get them for free by using the incognito mode on my browser, but I'm in favor of paying real journalists to investigate and report real news.) ¨ "How to Train Your Dog to Close the Goddamn Door" back to top |
Abby |
¨ Wears women's small or medium ¨ Books ¨ Harry Potter on CD (already has book 7). Used is OK, as long as they don't skip. ¨ Nerd-themed stuff, like Harry Potter, Dr. Who, Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch version), Vlog brothers, Hetalia (anime show), and Parks & Recreation. ¨ Crafts ¨ Mounted Irish Dance martial arts classes back to top |
Bill |
¨ Way too late, but in case people are still looking... ¨ Could use some nice queen sized sheets with deep pockets ¨ A few books from a new author I haven't read. Probably shouldn't be sci-fi. ¨ Project help: I have a power strip, a cable modem, a WiFi router, and cable phone box all spewed out on the floor of my second bedroom. Pretty much has to be there because of the confluence of cable, phone and power connections. I would like some sort of nice (or not horrible) looking box (or something) where everything is inside except for one half of the power, cable, and phone connections. Best ideas would block out most of the light emanating from all of these devices while still allowing air circulation (and WiFi). See photo for current layout. ¨
Help putting together and printing a calendar
of my ¨ Weather station like this. Shouldn't be from the weather channel. Nothing against them, but someone in my area must have one and it's signal interferes with my older system. ¨ Cat trampoline
back to top |
Andy |
¨ Literary agent who does not smell like Murphy's Oil Soap back to top |
Chris |
¨ ¨ Emergency backup spleen back to top |
Dan |
¨ Expansion pack for Exploding Kittens game. ¨ Winsome sloth figurines back to top |
Bob |
I expect 2017 will be a year of travel for me
(for work and recreationally). So,
perhaps an interesting book on CD to listen to on the road, a gift
certificate to a favorite ¨ I expect some larger home improvement projects in 2017 (Tom, feel like building another shed?) - either completed by me, or by professionals. With that in mind, I could use some of the following: 1. One of those large roller tool storage units like this one (for example) A Lowe's gift card, as I am actually old enough to have started to wear out some tools. 2. Or, perhaps something completely different: ¨ I have committed to Liam, that I would learn to SCUBA Dive with him this year. So, perhaps a gift certificate to a dive store to help with the basics. ¨ Repeal of the Glass Steagall Act back to top |
Christy |
¨ Items from my amazon wish list ¨ Books ¨ Digital Meat thermometer ¨ Dark Hoodies XL ¨ K-Bar Marine fighting knife back to top |
Liam |
¨ Halo 1, 2 and 3 for xbox 360 separate, not master chief version ¨ X box one games (not rated mature, minecraft, or forizon2) ¨ Food items ¨ Dark Hoodies ¨ Water guns ¨ Teenage level games? ¨ Michael Phelps "angry face" lessons back to top |
Eamonn |
¨ X box one games (rated 10+ or lower, see above for what he will have) ¨ Legos ¨ Spy Kids and Atlantis movies ¨ Movies in general ¨ Catan expansion packs (not basic expansion---already has) ¨ Board games ¨ Water guns ¨ Stuffed animals ¨ Books---especially comics and graphic novels ¨ Bruce Lee pajama and nunchuck set back to top |
Want to add/change something? Email Beth bethtaggart@yahoo.com.